Waxing By Alisha, The Happy Waxer
601 Main Street #214, Vancouver, WA 98660
Waxing made Fun &Fast

Have some questions?
Have some questions?
Can I wax during my period?
*Absolutely-you just need a fresh tampon or diva cup before the service
Can I wax during pregnancy?
*Absolutely-be sure to check with your doctor beforehand, but I've waxed people up until their due date. I actually went to the hospital for a client on bed rest before she delivered (With permission of course)
Does a Brazilian wax hurt?
*The first time is clearly the hardest. It's a very quick service but it's definitely not a walk in the park...keeping up with your waxing services eases the entire experience and makes it very tolerable. It gets easier every time
What type of wax is used?
*Essential oil infused cream wax formulated for sensitive skin
*Hard wax is used on ear and nose waxing
How long does the hair need to be?
*1/4 inch, about the length of a grain of rice
* AT LEAST 3 weeks from your last shave or trim
*On that note, DON'T shave or trim before your appointment. Shorter hair is more painful to remove, and may not give as clean of results
How often should I wax?
*Every 3~6 weeks is a general time, however we will cover your specific needs during your service. This can fluctuate as you continue waxing regularly