Waxing By Alisha, The Happy Waxer
601 Main Street #214, Vancouver, WA 98660
Waxing made Fun &Fast

Customer Testimonials
Customer Testimonials
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Alisha is awesome! I've been to 5 different Estheticians in the last 4-5 years. All for Brazilian wax and she was by far of the best. I've had good and I've had bad Brazilians so I know the difference very well. Alisha is quick, funny, she knows what she's doing, her prices are just right and affordable enough to actually keep up on the maintenance. If I had to pick one thing she did very well I would say it was how quickly she got the job done. Quick and WELL DONE I should say. Do not try out the competition a few streets away. I'll recommend Alisha to my friends as well as be going back.
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